Nonna from California,
Saturday, 10 November 2001, 17:02:48
You have a wonderful web site, love the pictures, we have been to a few places on your site, just came back from there. Love it !!!!! , Nonna
Antoinette Taormina -
Friday, 09 November 2001, 08:57:57
Dear Mr. Bastone,
In my search for information, I discovered your website.
I wish it were possible for me to describe to you the thoughts and emotions your photographs of the people and the landscape of Sicily elicited.
It is as though the elements you wished to capture were already placed in your mind and heart, waiting to be seen, and then photographed before the image of the moment had passed.
I was especially touched by the beauty of light and color in the landscapes, and felt the souls of the people in B&W whose faces showed the stories of their lives.
Thank you so much for being there to give witness to them by your very poetic, artful work.
My parentage is from the town of Trabia. Your website displays what so many of us in the U.S. long to know about the people and the land of Sicily, our very recent past.
Not all of us will have the opportunity to travel there, but we yearn to know as much as we can absorb and is made known to us, as you have done by your photography.
Peace to you and your family, Antoinette, née Taormina from the U.S.A.
Iaia Gagliani - Italy
Saturday, 03 November 2001, 06:28:57
...come il titolo di un Tuo meraviglioso bianco e nero "Credo non ci sia bisogno di commentare". Nico, complimenti!!! Sei incredibile! (la lampadina soft)
Jasmine Rogers
Wednesday, 31 October 2001, 15:31:37
I thoroughly enjoyed your site. The pictures are absolutely beautiful to me. I have friends travelling abroad, so it's nice to see where they have gone. Thank You!
Nicole Hellinx - Belgium
Sunday, 21 October 2001, 02:45:26
Nico You have a very nice website. Beautiful !!! Congratulations.
Greetings from Belgium. Nicole
Ciro Antinozzi - Italy
Saturday, 20 October 2001, 04:56:05
Ciao Nico,
mi fa piacere che ti piaccia il mio lavoro, ho visitato il tuo sito che trovo, per il suo genere, impeccabile... mi ricorda tutta una fase della mia vita durante la quale facevo scatti dello stesso tipo.
Indubbiamente il tempo mi ha deformato come gusti e vedendo le tue foto faccio un deciso salto verso la realtà che ci circonda.
D'altronde il mio andare per astrazioni viene spinto da una costante insoddisfazione del reale o... forse dal fatto che probabilmente nella mia vita devo aver scattato qualche tonnellata di rulli per cui comincio ad averne abbastanza o... perché ormai non riesco a distinguere la foto migliore tra una serie di scatti.
In realtà penso che il meglio sia quello che piaccia agli altri, per cui noi siamo solo il tramite tra il pensiero (che è l'insieme della conoscenza) e i nostri interlocutori.
Complimenti per le foto, mi piace l'attenzione prestata alla composizione, anche a cose tecniche tipo linee cadenti ecc. Ricambio i saluti
Denis Gauthier
Tuesday, 16 October 2001, 18:26:57
Simply beautiful but so responsible :)
Mike Woodhouse - U.K.
Friday, 05 October 2001, 14:00:07
As a fellow photgrapher and a guest on Alfred van Soomeren's website I appreciate the work involved in setting up photos on the web. I enjoyed looking at your work, very nice photos. Kind regards Mike
Sebastian Milito
Thursday, 04 October 2001, 20:56:03
Loved your photos! A beautiful and well rounded portfolio of excellent work.
As a fellow photographer, I salute you. Sebastian
Davide Merlitti
Tuesday, 02 October 2001, 10:41:07
Caro Nico,
sono finito sul tuo sito per caso, mentre cercavo qualche foto di mantidi religiose.
Poi, allietato dalla musica, ho voluto capire meglio dove ero finito ed ho scoperto le tue foto.
Non sono un grande intenditore di tecnica fotografica, ma sono rimasto colpito dai ritratti in bianco e nero.
Davvero molto belle. Complimenti.
Sunday, 30 September 2001, 13:30:26
Hi, great great!!
Marco Pordon
Tuesday, 25 September 2001, 03:03:46
Eh si.... Caro Nico!
Avevi proprio ragione, indirizzandomi sui tuoi bianco e nero mi hai veramente concesso una mezz'ora di buona fotografia...
Mi sono piaciuti molto, è fantastico l'equilibrio tra zone in ombra e alte luci.
Devo fare, inoltre, i complimenti al tuo ottimo colpo d'occhio, hai dato una visione originale e romantica di situazioni in cui ci troviamo tutti i giorni, a volte senza apprezzarne l'unicità e la bellezza...
Complimenti, continua a scattare (ma anche ad inserire immagini nel tuo sito!).
Ciao, buongustaio... Marco.
Thomas Frenzel - Berlin,
Sunday, 23 September 2001, 10:56:57
I have your home page seeing.
I must me tell this today yours would be upset ist.
I still wishes you many good photos very well. Greeting from Berlin. Thomas
Alfred van Soomeren -
Friday, 21 September 2001, 03:17:01
A very nice site. I like it very much. Fantastic work. In case you are interested I shall be glad to add a photopage to my website. Please see my site. Hoping to hear from you. Kind regards.
Thursday, 20 September 2001, 17:22:51
Caro Nico è sempre un piacere visitare il tuo sito, stavolta ho ammirato le foto di Firenze... sono straordinarie e penso che a renderle tali non basti l'indiscusso fascino della città, contribuisce, oltre alla professionalità dell'artista, anche una sensibilità d'animo rara. Complimenti! Anna
John Henry
Wednesday, 19 September 2001, 06:14:02
Hi Nico enjoyed your site, especially the B&W gallery. So evocative of my time in Sicily a few months ago. Won't be back until next year, so I'll just look at your site occassionally to remind me of what I'm missing. Thanks for the great art. John
Monday, 17 September 2001, 10:13:33
Ciao Nico che dirti ... continua non solo per la tua gloria come ti ha già scritto in una e'mail una tua visitatrice, ma anche per portare la città di Palermo e la Sicilia nel mondo.
Queste tue foto, come ti hanno scritto in molti, infondono una grande PACE interiore
che può farci pensare ed agire in un modo più sensato. E dopo gli ultimi avvenimenti ne abbiamo tutti molto bisogno cominciando dal nostro piccolo spero vivamente che le tue foto possano essere viste e "sentite" da tantissime persone nel nostro pianeta.
P.S. sono Camillo come vedi ci sono riuscito e "volere é potere".
Dopo avere acceso una candela virtuale, il cui potere e la voglia sono stati molto forti nell'attirarmi. Peccato non essermi collegato prima, ma non sarà l'ultima, au revoir.
Fabiola (Faby)
Friday, 14 September 2001, 08:49:47
Non trovo, al momento, nè il tempo, lo sai, nè le parole adatte per descriverTi (posso darTi del tu, non é vero?) le mie impressioni provate nel visitare il tuo sito.
Ci rivedremo domani, ma ci tengo solo a farTi, immediatamente, i miei più sinceri complimenti per le meraviglie che sei stato capace di cogliere "con i tuoi occhi" (bada... non solo con una macchina!!!)
Non potevo certo immaginare..., ma ci vedremo domani..., mi rimproverano!!!!!!
Ciao Faby
Maurizio Maggiulli
Tuesday, 11 September 2001, 04:26:19
veramente i miei più sentiti complimenti per la poesia delle tue immagini. Guardandole ho provato delle sensazioni molto forti, anche di tristezza, ma comunque emozioni, che, secondo me, sono la cosa più importante della vita.
Nico Alberti - Germany
Tuesday, 04 September 2001, 00:51:37
Caro Nico ti faccio sapere che tutto
è bello e che lo vedrò spesso.
Luca Cima
Tuesday, 28 August 2001, 04:40:26
Nico, sei un poeta. Le tue foto sono davvero splendide. I ritratti, soprattutto, sono molto profondi. Sinceramente, Luca.
Sal Sax - New York,
Tuesday, 21 August 2001, 22:06:07
Hello Nico, Ciao ...e Bravo!!
I have just viewd your beautiful work. I am happy that I am lucky to have visited your site. Your photography captures the essence of Sicily.
As a musician , I enjoyed the lovely music that you selected for each work.
I thank you for inviting me here... It has made me remember my trips to your beautiful homeland and long to return soon.
I hope to meet you someday to view more of your wonderful work. Ciao da N.Y.
Everett Ingalls
Tuesday, 21 August 2001, 21:34:50
Super site, Masterfull work, especialy enjoyed the Macros! I also enjoyed the Portrait work, Wonderful faces, and exellent Photography. "Thank you" Everett Ingalls
Giuseppe - Petrosino, Italy
Sunday, 19 August 2001, 13:53:45
Compliments! This is the first time I see so beautiful photos. I hope one day you can come to Petrosino (Trapani) and take some photographs so I can add them to my website.
Complimenti! Questa è la prima volta che vedo foto così belle. Spero che un giorno tu possa venire a Petrosino (Trapani) e scattare delle belle foto in modo che io possa aggiungerle al mio sito web.
Louisa - Russia
Thursday, 16 August 2001, 21:07:24
Hi Nico Bastone !
Well how interesting photographyes you have and a great site... Good work !!!!
Bruce Yin - Russia
Saturday, 11 August 2001, 05:57:58
Hi Nico, It is a fantastic website.
Really loved your work too. I wonder whether these photos were done over quite long period of time. Many thanks for sharing your work with us. They are absolutely art pieces.
I also wonder if you would be interesting to share your photo technique and experience with us.
Rosemary - Costa Rica
Friday, 10 August 2001, 10:13:58
Ciao Nico!!!!!!!
Te felicito Nico es tan grato ver tu trabajo porque siempre sabe uno que va encontrar buena calidad, bellisimos colores, armonia, belleza, excelencia y musica que es un complemento estupendo.
Las fotos de Palermo, Trapani, Firenze, Venize, etc. estan bellisimas y los demas albumnes tambien.
Sos todo un profesional y todo un maestro, que lo inspira a uno a superarse.
Un abbraccio, Rosemary
Albert Juergens -
New York, U.S.A.
Tuesday, 07 August 2001, 14:05:51
Nico, Thanks for your mark on the photoforum "Tomorrow". You have a real cool website, and I like your work. I'm located in upstate New York, USA, and my website has not been updated for about a year. But it's still interesting. Thanks, Albert
Monday, 06 August 2001, 14:17:43
Great work, I have been to Italy only once to Fermo near Ancona on business.
I love your sound track, keep snapping, my cannon AE1 just broke, now using an olympus OM10. Spanners.
Monday, 06 August 2001, 04:56:56
Sono dolente, non parlo l'italiano. Amo la sua fotografia ed amo il suo website.
Un amico che lei non ha incontrato, Lee
Pam Ross - Queensland,
Sunday, 05 August 2001, 18:25:14
Your site is absolutely beautiful. I just love the landscapes & macro shots. I live in Queensland, Australia and I enjoy photographing all those things as well.
I haven't seen them all but have added them to my favourites to check with later on.
Thanks for the inspiration. Pam.
Joe Salvia - New York,
Saturday, 04 August 2001, 23:14:52
Mr. Bastone, Your Photograph's are very beautiful.
I am Sicilian-American. I was born in Brooklyn NY. My Father's parent's came from Gagliano (Enna) and Caltanissetta. My Mother's parent's came from Sciacca. When I look at the faces in your photograph's I understand what they are saying.
Joe Salvia
Wesley Schultz
Saturday, 04 August 2001, 21:04:25
I don't know what you could do to make a better site. It is simply great! My favorites are Albertina, Stella, The Day After and Romantic Florence. Your photos inspire me to do better. Thanks for displays your great work. Wesley Schultz
André Vianu - France
Wednesday, 01 August 2001, 10:57:18
Maria del Sol Tamargo - Mexico
Monday, 23 Jul 2001,
Hi Nico!
I just saw your last pictures..., I´m impressed... You are really an artist, your portraits are the most
beautiful I ever seen.
You transmit not only the
image, but the feelings of the people you take.
How do you take those portraits where you take people,sleeping or resting, do you use zoom, so the people don´t realize you´re taking them?... and what film do you use in B&W?
Congratulations... your work is really art... Sol
Misha Gordin - U.S.A.
Wednesday, 11 July 2001, 02:58:15
Hi Nico,
I am typing this note listening
to the background music from your web site.
I like your B&W portraits. Keep making good work. Have a great summer and drink lots of good wine...
Misha Gordin
Dan Cymarron
Friday, 06 July 2001, 15:11:26
Nico, I am in awe of your photography. You have captured the soul of the people and places around you. As an Italian-American, I think I can better understand the
land where my grandparents came from. I envy your talent, it is a God-given gift.
Thank you for sharing your work with me. I know that you have put a lot of time
and effort into creating a beautiful website. (I LOVE the music too!)
René Asmussen - Denmark
Thursday, 05 July 2001, 13:23:59
Hi There !! I just watched your homepage and I must say, what great portraits. Your work is excellent. Let us exchange links ??? Keep Shooting
:) René Asmussen
Monday, 02 July 2001, 18:27:22
Wow! A beautifully done site!! I really admired the landscapes and macro shots.
Reda Danaf
Tuesday, 26 June 2001, 15:44:55
Congratulations for a great site, I enjoyed what I saw so far it will take more than one visit to cover it all, so I have it book marked. Reda.
Tuesday, 26 June 2001, 10:25:57
Web-Site SUPER !!! Vitaliy from Ukraine
Nathan Kern MD
Tuesday, 26 June 2001, 07:15:22
Very nice, I like your images of the people and the macro images best.
I have never been to Sicily but have been to the mainland of Italy three times and feel that if I had to choose another country to live it would be Italy.
Greg Summers - Colorado,
Saturday, 23 June 2001, 07:36:10
Nico, your portraits are beautiful, expressive, sad and very human.
You have a wonderful eye and your technique is impeccable. I would like to do more portraits.You catch such real emotion in people.
Steve Bingham
Saturday, 23 June 2001, 07:30:23
Nico, your portraits are outstanding.
Wonderful, warm, and full of emotion. Your printing technique is excellent. On your graphics page I loved "Stella".
Brian Webb
Saturday, 23 June 2001, 01:12:55
Great B&W portraits.
Friday, 22 June 2001, 13:07:19
it's really great. I like your work,
it's interesting. Keep on doing good work :)
Gus Martinez
Thursday, 21 June 2001, 12:47:41
Nice photos. Good layout.
I enjoyed your photos very much.
Faye - U.S.A.
Wednesday, 20 June 2001, 11:26:15
Very nice work Nico.
The site is very pleasing to look at and informative and the music on the pages is great too!
Your black and White pictures are wonderful
the kind of work I want to do and as are your all your pictures! :-)
Wednesday, 20 June 2001, 07:07:30
Hey Nico great web site, good job you have some nice photos here,
I enjoyed looking at them, I especially liked your color photography. Again, good job
Wednesday, 20 June 2001, 04:49:15
Mr. Bastone,
I have just spent some time on your site, not as much as I would have liked to but I will bookmark it and return.
Your photographs are absolutely a piece of your soul.
Your eye for photography is most evidenced in all your beautiful shots.
I appreciate the black and whites the most,
capturing such emotion in that second the shutter moves.
I am not a photographer myself but
I do have an eye for it and I think you are one of the best I have seen. I just wanted to let you know
that I will return often.
Thank you so much for sharing your talent.
Wednesday, 20 June 2001, 04:47:31
Hello Nico,
your photos are simply wonderful,
especially the black and white ones, truely a professional. Thank you for displaying it.
Peter O'Neill
Tuesday, 19 June 2001, 23:02:59
I was struck by the simplicity of the image.
The eyes of Albertina, conveyed so much feeling of vulnerability and trusting innocence.
It makes one wonder if we adults are worthy of such.
Alan J. Laatz
Tuesday, 19 June 2001, 22:00:50
Nico, Fantastic pictures.
My great grandparents were from Palermo. It was fun seeing what the countryside looks like. I don't have pictures from my homeland.
Thank You for sharing them with us. Alan
Helyn Davenport - U.S.A.
Tuesday, 19 June 2001, 14:27:04
Your images are sensitive, breathtaking, and have so much "soul" to them. The B&W my favorites... and the image "Flight" wow... !
Your website design is very nice... and the music is fantastic... esp the blues...:)
Love your work... they are inspiring..... So glad I have experienced your soul thru your photographs...
Josh Gilmore
Sunday, 17 June 2001, 23:18:19
I taught it was a wonderful website. I thank Nico Bastone for the use of Italian Building sturctures. Plus the people such as "The Smoker". I know as a student of photography I have learned somethings from his pictures.
Sunday, 17 June 2001, 19:09:35
Your web site is so wonderful, I just created my first web site so I still have some problems with my page so be patient I would like to keep in touch with you and get some wonderful ideas about outdoor photography..
Dolores - U.S.A.
Saturday, 16 June 2001, 17:57:02
Your photos have such depth and character. My, I sure could learn from you! They were all so very good but the black and whites are my favorite. Grandma Santa seems like everyone's are so comfortable with her. Gosh, I love that photo! You are very gracious and a great host by taking us into your family photos on the website. Please keep sharing them. And what are you using for a camera? Are these digital photos or SLR? Thanks again, Dolores
Saturday, 16 June 2001, 17:56:39
Hallo Nico,
ciao Nico Deine Fotos sind echt professionell, "mit den Augen die Seele getroffen", genau wie Du es ausdrueckst! Ich empfand es ebenso! Gratulation zu Deinem wunderbaren Werk und zu der originell, grafisch gestalteten Webseite. Du hast die Gabe, Feinheiten in einem speziell wunderschoenem Licht einzufangen. Ich liebe besonders Deine B/W bilder. Ich selber lebe nun seit bald 2 Monaten in KeyWest/Florida, in einem herrlichen Paradies. Wenn ich darf, send ich Dir gerne ein paar meiner fotografischen Impressionen von dieser traumhaften Insel: very arty!
Io parlo soltanto un pocchotino Italiano, sorry... let's keep in touch together, o.k.? Susanne
Saturday, 16 June
2001, 15:06:02
Thanx for sharing your photography. I do appreciated espacially black & white. The photo "The Flight" woke up my feeling, so spellbind emotional. Hope you keeping your pewerful work. Good luck.
Saturday, 16 June 2001, 13:21:34
Your page was sent to me by a friend and I was so moved by your work, I was so impressed. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. Maggie
Tamara Hawkins
Saturday, 16 June 2001, 10:32:42
Nico, all of your pictures are wonderful! I especially love Gramma Santa, that is where your nose came from, a very nice nose I must say! My neice agree's with me on the nose.:) We love to study facial character, bone structure, eyes are as you say the window to our souls, God Bless you, and make his light to shine upon
you. Tamara
Saturday, 16 June 2001, 03:20:36
Very impressive! What camera(s) do you use? Especially for the macro's that interests me very much.Keep on the good work!
Afroz Usufzay - Dubai,
Saturday, 16 June 2001, 00:26:44
Olay! Mumtaz! haseen!
exc3llento! jus ClASSIC - sPlendid!
i lUv da BLACK and whiTe section its DAMN cOOL!! luv da Macro as well
I'm gonna keep visitin' again and again-:))
I AIN'T really good at praisin' so i shall cut it short nd wish ya
Best of luck-nd yeah one more thing it ain't jus da pics, yr website has got a lot more -
its about Faces, history, facts, nature, Universe, Science, FiCtion, geography,
(MOTHER called Earth), despair, desires, INNOCENCE, nd Most of ALL Love (though i don't believe in Love:-0)
Respect nd Best Wishes from an Afghan Girl. Afroz from Dubai - UAE
Edward J. Kruczynski
Friday, 15 June 2001, 17:34:18
I find your photographs to be artistic, original, creative, and absolutely wonderful. Best wishes to you for much success in your photographic endeavors.
Kathleen Lynch
Wednesday, 13 June 2001, 00:44:56
Hi Nico,
Thank you for the uplifting comments for Ray Lynch.
I looked at your website and very much appreciated the Black & White photos of the older people.
Your welcome to use Ray Lynch's music on your site but we do not have MIDI files.
You can use other formats if you like, but if you choose to do so, we always request that you post a link on your website to Ray's website.
Thank you again, and keep up the inspiring work,
Enjoy, Kathleen Lynch - Ray Lynch Productions

background music in
this page: Celestial Soda
Pop by Ray Lynch
Monday, 11 June 2001, 01:32:30
Wonderful use of light, color and texture. Very impressed with portraits and landscapes alike.
Randy Joe
Sunday, 10 June 2001, 07:32:29
Nico just viewed your B&W portraiture, you have got an excellent eye, for eyes and detail my friend. My favorite is the older woman (smile one), her face is so maped (history lines) (wrinkles) its like you can follow a wrinkle line to read the history of her life (excellent), I will be back to your sight again, & again. I love B&W portraiture especially close-ups, please if you have more share!! I think you are an excellent photographer, I would love to talk to you more my friend, but right now need to get on my brake job, I will be back in touch very soon.
Randy Joe
Sunday, 10 June 2001, 00:10:55
I visited your website... The photos were really great! :))
Angela - Colorado, U.S.A.
Saturday, 09 June 2001, 05:17:50
Hello Nico! I truely thank you for inviting me to your site! I lost myself in your photographs. I will be coming back to your site often to unwind from my hectic days. Thank you, once again for sharing your work! Angela Sterling, Colorado
Friday, 08 June 2001, 05:34:51
HI, Thank you giving me the chance to look at your website. All of the pictures are really beautiful. I especially liked the Black and White one and the landscape. I want to got o Italy now! My hobby is photography, i'm just starting out. I love to take black and white pictures. Hope to speak to you again. Thank. Ciao! Natalia :o)
Friday, 08 June 2001, 00:51:51
Hi. Your work is magnificent. I think the black and white pictures are very good.
Thursday, 07 June 2001, 02:02:57
Hello Nico,
So many thanks Nico to share your beautiful Country to the world, now I believe land of Immortality is real. Nabiel.
Thursday, 07 June 2001, 01:13:50
Hello Nico, I am really impressed... this is so nice. I just a beginer... but one day who knows... Thanks for all nice pictures... and say hello to your daughter... Bye.
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 23:35:25
That's great, congratulation. Good luck Mandana
Frank Johnson - U.S.A.
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 17:51:43
Yo, Nico! After viewing your b/w images, I am very impressed, especially with your portraiture...
the viewer can read volumns in the faces, particularly the elderly folks.
One can just TELL that these people have seen a lot in their lives, and through a lifetime of trials, still have a sense of pride and dignity.
If you wish, here is another person to send your images to:
E. Leo
He is a long-time photographer friend of mine who lives in Cincinnati, OH USA.
I know he would enjoy viewing your images as much (or more) as I have.
Keep up the good work, my new friend. I am looking forward to seeing more of your work. Ciao for now. Frank Johnson aka Lord Dylan Bond MacLeod
Amimoni - Istanbul, Turkey
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 10:20:34
Hi Nico...
it was just great to visit your website... nice to see the view of Italy...
it touched my heart deeply.-.every carogory was excellent... and the Viole ohh...
as i adore that flower it was great...
best wishes to you from way away Turkey Istanbul
Mark Beerabram
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 08:53:59
What a fine site, enjoyed the music with photos, and enjoyed the style of photography
Carlos Pallares
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 06:53:05
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 05:40:06
Nice site, I too am working on a web site, I will bookmark this site and come back for a visit now and again. Andrew
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 05:22:33
Your photographs are beautiful. I bookmarked your page so I can view the pictures some more.
Wednesday, 06 June 2001, 04:13:16
You photograph beautifuly. I loved the black and whites. I like the way you capture the moment and the people. It's like frozen time. Wonderful and amazing.
Anne Melashenko - Russia
Tuesday, 05 June 2001, 23:09:12
Very nice website and beautiful pictures.
Thomas Jayabhai - Dubai,
Tuesday, 05 June 2001, 13:18:09
Dear Nico,
Your photos are very good, especially, I like your landscape works. This is a good site to have a look into your nice country I would love to visit Italy one day. Nice work - keep adding more pictures - Download speed is very fast compared to many other sites. Dubai, UAE
Cameron Baker - Las Vegas,
Nevada - U.S.A.
Tuesday, 05 June 2001, 09:01:12
Bravo Nico!
Mi chiamo es Cameron Baker in Las Vegas, Nevada USA. Being a fellow professional photographer as well, I am very impressed with your site, and find it inspirational. Wishing you continued success & the benefits that will come your way! It was nice hearing from you molta grazie senor!
Cameron Baker "The Nikon Rocker"
Monday, 04 June 2001, 23:11:06
You are very gifted! This is truely art at its best. I can only hope that some day, I will grow as wise as you in the world of photography. :-)
Steven Titchenell
Monday, 04 June 2001, 20:14:56
I like your site especially the macro section.
Monday, 04 June 2001, 18:28:06
Nico, Very nice site and splendid images. Your landscape work is very impressive as is your macro work. I also liked your B&W portrait work very much. Keep making beautiful images Nico. Ciao, Ken
Marty Lowman
Monday, 04 June 2001, 15:54:38
Nico - great site and some wonderful work.
Collan Fitzpatrick -
Colorado Springs, U.S.A.
Monday, 04 June 2001, 07:12:04
I enjoyed your images. I love to make images of people in the enviroment.
I look forward to viewing your images more. Sincerely, Collan Fitzpatrick Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Monday, 04 June 2001, 04:52:14
Dear Nico
I loved your black and white photography. There was beautiful depth to your photos. Kristine
Anna - Canada
Monday, 04 June 2001, 04:40:31
Dear Nico,
I enjoyed very much your pictures of your country and will return many times to your site, I am living in western canada, bye bye Anna.
Monday, 04 June 2001, 03:38:53
I love all the pics especially the Black & White... you've made a great
work... I love the background music too... It's so cool!
Alex - Colonia, Germany
Monday, 04 June 2001, 01:07:50
You have a great website with a lot of beautiful pictures. It's really professional. A good idea to combine the pics with background music. All good wishes,
Alex from Colonia.
Dannilo - Mexico
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 23:00:09
Nico muy buen trabajo! Dannilo.
Mathews Team Fotógrafos -
Col Centro, Cabo San Lucas -
CP 23410 B.C.S. México
Chazelle Drury - U.S.A.
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 21:59:23
Nico, you have a wonderful web site. The pictures are beautiful. I would love to travel to your land and experience the beauty. Take care... Chazelle from USA
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 21:48:20
Excellent photos.
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 20:30:47
Those are great photographs, you are very talented. I hope the best in everything that you do. :)
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 18:20:23
This is the most spellbinding site I have ever seen. I am a graphic designer and web designer and I am simply awed with the design and the content.
The photographs are very beautiful, I can not see then without feeling emotional.
You do wonderful work. Thank you.
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 18:00:50
Thank You. Very beautiful! I drifted off...and into your landscape shots.
Again, Thank You ... for this pleasant escape. Linda
Sunday, 03 June 2001, 17:32:44
I enjoyed your photos very much. You are a talented and sensitive photographer.
I am especially pleased to see Palermo. My father's family came from there to America in the first part of the 1900's.
Now I have seen the beauty that they left behind. Thank You. Jude